Announcement regarding the impending snowfall.
We inform water consumers that due to the impending snowfall, according to the recent weather report of the National Meteorological Service, in order to avoid damage to water meters and private water supply pipes, inside the yards of houses, it is recommended by the...
In order to resolve the delay in receiving WATER Bills, which is mainly due to ELTA, the Water Authority is creating the application YDATA.EU Unfortunately, only 500 consumers have registered so far, out of about 30,000. DEYATH once again invites consumers to...
Appeal to limit the waste of drinking water!
Due to the prolonged drought this year and the phenomena of Drinking Water Waste which has been observed in the last period in our Municipality, for uses other than Water Supply. DEYA Thermaikou informs that in order to have a smooth water supply of all settlements,...
Appeal to limit the waste of drinking water!
In view of the summer period, due to the increase in the population and the decrease in water reserves due to the prolonged drought, DEYA Thermaikos calls on consumers to limit the waste of drinking water, such as washing courtyards, balconies and roads, watering...